Search Results for: horoscopes traits and compatibility Articles

couple laying in bed together laughing and cuddling

Aquarius Love Compatibility 101: Everything You Need to Know

As we float on through Aquarius season, what better time than now is there to explore more about this intellectual, forward-thinking sign – and especially how it approaches romance? What does Aquarius love compatibility look like? This Air sign is intelligent and thoughtful, bringing their natural curiosity and wonderous nature

couple smiling at each other lovingly and smiling

Check Your Love Compatibility With Venus in Taurus

Listen up, lovers! Your romantic life is about to take on a sensual tone as Venus enters Taurus, the sign over which it rules. Venus thrives in Taurus, the earthy sign that appreciates the finer things in life. Taurus is refined, sensual, practical, and natural, a combination that Venus yearns

Pisces Woman: Traits, Love, & More

The Pisces female’s traits can be, all at once, intoxicating and frustrating. She is a lovely, albeit mysterious, lady. She is ethereal, selfless, kind, emotional, loving, and always willing to give all of herself for something that she sees as important. This is generally an old soul who, almost regardless of

Pisces Man: Traits, Love, & More

If you’re a Pisces male, you don’t have any time or interest in surface-level conversations or small talk of any type. You have too much learning and thinking to do, and you’re much more interested in getting right to the heart of it with whoever you meet.  If you’ve met a

Aquarius Woman: Traits, Love, & More

Generally, people are not simple creatures and many present different types of duality to those who are close to them. This can be alluring or off-putting, and with some people, it’s both. That’s typically what you get with the Aquarius woman—she is a study in contrasts. She cares deeply about

Aquarius Man: Traits, Love, & More

The Aquarius man is always thinking, always full of insightful thoughts, and always ready to take on new ideas. He’s also someone who tends to meander from thing to thing, never really settling down into one clear mission. The Aquarius man’s traits present a mysterious, lovable, and friendly person overall who seems to know

Capricorn Woman: Traits, Love, & More

Never judge a book by its cover. The same applies to the Capricorn woman.  To look at her only on the surface, this cold, quiet, and aloof person can seem like the last one in a group to have something funny to say or insightful to share. She seems like she’s

Capricorn Man: Traits, Love, & More

Some people really are a study in duality.  You’d swear they were a certain way until you get to know them and realize that they’re actually the opposite. This is certainly the case with the Capricorn man.  This is a person whose hardened exterior can make him seem aloof, cold,

Sagittarius Woman: Traits, Love, & More

Have you ever met a lady who seemingly is friends with everyone, admired by all, and who just has that “it” quality to her that makes her incredibly desirable in just about every way possible? If so, you may have crossed paths with a Sagittarius woman—this free spirit and kind

Sagittarius Man: Traits, Love, & More

Some people are simply not meant to live in one place, do one thing, and spend time with one or a few people. That’s definitely an apt description for the Sagittarius man, who’s always looking for that next adventurous experience. He’s someone you’ll remember if you meet him—he’s energetic, exuberant,

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